Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ohhh no she di'n't....

Yesterday, I received a tweet that "dissed" my strawberry milkshake recipe! Although I doubt the twit (that's what it's called, right?) even tried the recipe, he/she wanted to let me aware of their disapproval of my use of Crystal Light. So, like a true Diva would do, I would like to address the tweet and let my critics and the connoisseurs out there that think that their precious taste buds are too good for Crystal Light know why it has become so important to me while I have been Dukanning.

First of all, it is sugar free...actually, it is better than just sugar free--it is sugar free flavoring. It gives you a way to give yogurts and other foods sweet, fruity flavors without adding sugar or calories. Food critics might say, "hey, that's nasty!!" Well guess what? It's not supposed to be a culinary delicacy--they are DIET food...and chances are, you're on one for a reason! (Sorry...we Divas keep it real!)

Secondly, Crystal Light is relatively cheap and available in a variety of flavors at almost any grocery store. Some followers may want to flavor their foods with something other than Crystal Light, and there are a couple alternatives. Some will be pleased to know that Stevita is a flavored sweetener that is made from Stevia. It comes in a variety of flavors, such as vanilla,chocolate and strawberry.

In conclusion, if "Crystal Light" is not for you, find an alternative or you could always just eat your food plain.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dukan Strawberry Milkshake

Pure protein can be sooo boring!! It's summertime now, and nothing is better than a nice, cold and creamy strawberry milkshake. So when I get a hankerin' for a sweet treat, I mix up one of these bad boys! They are delicious and 100% Dukaneriffic!

Dukan Strawberry Milkshake

1 cup skim milk
1.5 Tbsp nonfat yogurt
1/2 a packet of Wild Strawberry Crystal Light 
**ice (if you want to put it in the blender)

Directions: Mix ingredients well with a spoon, or (if using ice) stick in the blender for a few seconds. Drink through a straw and you'll swear it's the real thing!  Enjoy!